Bandon Camogie Club


Bandon Camogie Club provide the opportunity for girls to play camogie locally. In 2025, we will cater for girls born from 2018 upwards, split into U7 to U18 (Minor) and Adult (Junior) teams. New players, coaches and mentors are welcome to join Bandon Camogie Club.

Membership Registration & online payment Instructions 2025

Camogie membership and registration uses Foireann (Use Link Here). The online membership payment option is the preferred method for player registration. Club registration fee will be €45 per U7/U8 €50 per U9/U10 player & €60 per U11 - Adult player, which will include registration & insurance for the year. Instructions are provided below.

NOTE: As part of the online registration & membership, underage players and their parents must accept to adhere to the Code of Behaviour 

Download Club Code of Behaviour Form

Online Membership Payment Instructions

Players Training

Camogie Training will take place weekly on Sunday mornings from 10.30am to 12noon and Wednesday 6.30pm to 7.45pm. 

Coaches Training

Training will be provided to any parents/mentors that wish get involved in training the underage teams.

Committee Members 2023

Co-Chairpersons - Kate O'Reilly (0876197983) & Samantha Dullea (087-9164995)
Co- Secretary -Claire Aherne (085-2553799) & Aideen Foley (086 8529409)
Treasurer - Gillian Gaynor 087 2815987
Registrar - Eunice Doyle 087-2898175
PRO - Sarah McCarthy 087-6794432
Child Protection Officer - Killian Woods 086-3683553

Designated Liaison Person - Phil Murphy 087 2205035

Coaching Team 2025

Junior C & Minor

Leigh-Anne Tobin

Kevin McCarthy

Dave Fleming

Eileen O'Donovan

Aisling Barry

U16 Team

Eamonn Fleming

Ronan Harrington

John O'Regan

U15 Team

Brendan O'Donovan

Jimmy Coughlan

Deirdre Fleming

Eleanor O Leary

U14 Team

Clare Harrington

Alice McSweeney

Fiachra Lehane

U13 Team

Alan O'Mahony

Oisin Doyle

Matty Moloney

U12 Team

Garrett Daly

Fiona Nantua


Caroline McSweeney

Mary Crowley

u10 Team 

U9 Team

Patrick Calnan

Killian Woods

Child Protection Guidelines

On 11 December 2017 the remaining provisions of the Children First Act commenced in full. Most notably for the organisation our immediate requirements include adopting all provisions in relation to mandatory reporting of child abuse, ensuring the appointment of what can be termed key child safeguarding officers which include Designated Liaison Persons and Children’s Officers at Club and County level and also appointing the Association’s Mandated Person, we must also provide certain child safeguarding training programmes and commence the process to agree a Child Safeguarding Statement for all Clubs. 

New Child Safeguarding requirements that become effective as and from 11 March 2018. 

Child safeguarding statement 

Bandon Camogie Club is proudly sponsored by Copper Grove, Bandon and Kevin O'Leary Centra/Circle K, Bandon.