Fixtures for the week: Wednesday January 22nd @ 8pm, Macroom
U21 Football Glenville Cup – Quarter Final
Bandon V. St Macroom
Bandon GAA Club (Adult & Underage) Registration for 2020 will take place in Bandon GAA hall on Wednesday January 22nd at 6:45pm-8:15pm. Registration Forms can be downloaded from www.bandongaa.com and will also be available on the night. New members welcome
Players, Coaches and Family Members of Bandon U.14 team attended the Rebel Og Annual Awards Banquet in the Clayton Hotel Cork on Saturday18th of January.
Our U.14 Feile winning team were honored and presented with the Rebel Og Award they received last June. Ciaran Twomey, Sean Ahern & Darragh Collins represented their U.14 team & club on the night.
Well done to coaches Carl Mahony, Niall Geary, Maria Allen & John Ahern on a great year.
There was no winner of the €20,000 jackpot in the Bandon GAA Lotto on 09/01/2020. Next week’s jackpot stands at €20,000 with a ‘Match 3’ jackpot of €900.00. The winners of €25 each were:
Ann Harrington C/O Bingo
Thomas O’Donoghue, Kilbrogan
Martin Quirke, Oliver Plunkett Street
Denis Lucey Meelon, c/o Michael Kelly