Saturday February 8th @ 3pm, St Vincent’s
Carbery U21B Football Championship
Bandon V. Ibane Gaels
Bandon GAA Club (Adult & Underage) Registration for 2020 will take place in Bandon GAA hall on Wednesday February 12th at 6:45pm-8:15pm. Registration Forms can be downloaded from www.bandongaa.com and will also be available on the night. New members welcome
On Saturday our U21 Footballers ventured for Ahiohill for their first round of the Carbery U21 B Football Championship against Kilbrittain. Bandon were ahead by a 3 point lead at half time with Kilbrittain being victorious by just point at full time.
Half time score: Bandon 0-07 Kilbrittain 0-04
Full time score: Kilbrittain 0-12 to Bandon 0-11
Bandon will now take on Iban Gaels on Saturday February 8th @ 3pm in Kilbrittain.
Please show your support.
Sunday February 2nd The Senior footballers were up bright and early take the long road to Cahermore. They were unsuccessful to Castletownbere in the first round of the Division 3 Football League.
Half time score: Bandon 2-2 Castletownbere 0-14
Full time score: Bandon 3-3 Castletownbere 0-19
Goals scored from Barry Collins (2) and Robert O’Driscoll (1)
There was no winner of the €20,000 jackpot in the Bandon GAA Lotto on 30/01/2020. Next week’s jackpot stands at €20,000 with a ‘Match 3’ jackpot of €1000.00.
The winners of €25 each were:
Christine Lyons, c/o Bingo
Sean Dillon, Rosscarbery
The MacInery Family, Timoleague
Anthony Nyhan, Oaklawn